the three weeks I had chlamydia;

slightly misheard conversations in the hot tub on the cruise going back to europe

one: "have you heard about those mice with ears growing out of their backs?"
other: "nah"

one: "what is this place?"
other: "this the bath of birth, this the merge of small and large, and the outlet again"
one: "forever unborn"
other: "yes"

one: "is Jean not coming?"
other: "I asked, she was collecting her ornaments."
one: "will any fit?"
other: "I don't think so"

one: "you're such a dream girl, you are"
other: "I don't feel like... I think I might be still growing."
one: "don't worry, you'll hide it"

one: "are you seriously taking her side on this?"
other: "I mean she does have interesting knees, and also threading"
one: "you"re unbelievable"